As a premier manufacturer of high performance abrasive grain in China, Yichuan Dongfeng Abrasives Co., Ltd (shortly called "YCDF")was set up in a tiny workshop in 1986. Nowadays, YCDF owns a well known brand "Li" and 72 classes abrasive grain for both coated abrasives and bonded abrasives industry. We believe that we have the best capability to fulfill your constantly quality requirement in both coated abrasives and bonded abrasives manufacturing, and we believe that we will serve you well.
Process Lines: Several conventional lines, such ball milled and BMK lines, etc. One medium temperature heating line, one high temperature heating line, one coating line, one special recombination line, one grouped abrasive grains line, etc. All our producing line combines to provide effective and rapid response to your needs.
Products range: Brown Aluminium Oxide grain (any process method, any grits listed below), Coating abrasive grain (any colours, any grits listed below), Recombination abrasive grain (any materials, any grits listed below), Grouped abrasive grain (any grits listed below), etc.
Experience: One of the oldest abrasive grain manufacturers in China, YCDF has served abrasives industry's needs since 1986. YCDF has well over 20 years experience in meeting the needs of our customers, who are in USA, Japan, Germany, France, Korea, Italy, Thailand, and Turkey and so on over the world.
Quality: We are ISO 9001:2000 registered and our meticulous quality control departments at each producing line safeguard our long-standing quality reputation.